More Than Talking Therapy

Therapy at Relational Counselling offers much more than simply a platform for verbal expression. During your therapy sessions, you will acquire valuable tools and gain a fresh perspective on your situation that will empower you to move forward.

The therapeutic process is a deeply personal and transformative journey. It requires dedication, effort, and a willingness to delve into the inner self. It is not a short-term solution but rather an ongoing exploration of one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Each individual who seeks therapy has their own unique story and circumstances. We recognise and honour this uniqueness, tailoring our approach to meet your specific needs and goals, ensuring that the therapeutic process unfolds at a pace that is comfortable for you. Whether you seek therapy for self-discovery or the processing of emotions, therapy serves a multitude of purposes and has the potential to bring about profound change and growth.

With commitment you will gain growth and healing, becoming the best version of yourself!

  • Who is Counselling and Psychotherapy for?

    Therapy is for anyone and everyone. You can come short term or long term, this is entirely your choice. Speaking to a professional can make you think more clearly to help you make better decisions that are right for you.

  • When might counselling and psyschotherapy help

    If you're experiencing anxiety, anger, stress, shame or guilt that affect your daily life, feeling hopeless, disinterested, withdrawing from social interactions or significant relationships, losing interest in your usual activities or the world around you, need a safe space to talk through life's challenges like family struggles, grief, relationship breakups, or work-related stress, struggling with diagnosed or undiagnosed mental health issues, marital issues due to communication or significant events, post-natal depression, bereavement, directionless, unable to attend school or work, struggling with personal growth, low self-esteem or self-image.

  • How might Counselling and Psychotherapy help?

    Help to build more fulfilling relationships

    An improvement in your quality of life

    Increased self-knowledge

    A therapist will listen & help you make connections

    Help to overcome issues that may be stopping you from achieving your goals

    Help managing the symptoms of anxiety & other mental health issues

    Therapy can help you process grief when this is impacting everyday life

    Help you become motivated, confident & assertive.

    Help you improve & maintain healthier relationships

    Releasing your true potential

  • Counselling Supervision

    Relational Counselling offers Counselling supervision to both qualified and student counsellors. Our supervision provides a range of benefits, including professional development by helping counsellors develop their competencies and offering guidance on working with specific populations, self-reflection by identifying biases, values and beliefs that may affect their work, support for processing emotions and preventing burnout, ethical guidance, and accountability. Counselling supervision is essential for professional development and ethical practice in counselling, providing a reflective and supportive space for counsellors to grow and develop their skills while ensuring ethical and effective care for their clients.